
Welcome to Parkside Montessori!

Online Registration for New Students is open for the 2025-2026 school year

Visit SchoolEngage (for New Families to GPPSD to register children)
(Current Families needing to register an additional child can access SchoolEngage through your PowerSchool Parent Portal, and go to the ‘Add Student’ step.)

  • Create Your SchoolEngage Account
  • Verify your account via the email you will receive (checking junk mail if needed)
  • Return to SchoolEngage and log in
  • Select 'Add Student', and add your child’s information
  • Select ‘Student’ choose your child's name, and fill out the '2025-2026 New Student Registration Form' under 'Forms’
  • On page 2 of the registration form select ‘Overall Program Choice’ in the drop-down menu select Montessori Programming
  • Select ‘Designated School’ in the drop-down menu select Parkside Montessori.
  • Complete the form and 'Submit'.


For anyone that has prepopulated their child's Registration form prior to March 10

Finalize Registration

  • Log in to your SchoolEngage account
  • Select ‘Student’ choose your child's name and click into your child’s Registration form
  • Go to the last page of the form 
  • Click the ‘Submit’ to complete the registration

Our school is part of the Grande Prairie Public School Division and we use the division’s online registration platform.

Find all our registration information at

See step-by-step instructions for New Families registering a child for school here.

See step-by-step instructions for Current Families registering a additional child for school  here

Registration for Current Parkside Montessori Preschool Students

Parents/Guardians will be receiving information and instruction on how to secure your child's spot at Parkside Montessori for the 2025-2026 school year.

Registration Frequently Asked Questions

Below are questions that are specific to Parkside Montessori. General registration Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the GPPSD website here

What grades are open for registration?

Preschool and Kindergarten to Grade 6. Students that are in Grade 1 to 6 can register, but the child must have previous Montessori experience. Follow the same steps as above, starting with prepopulating on February 28th. 

How do I register a new student if I already have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account?

  • Log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal,
  • Access SchoolEngage,
  • Select 'Add Student' complete the information for your additional child
  • Select 'Student'
  • Select the name of the newly added child
  • Select the New Student Registration Form from the menu on the right and complete it for that child.

If you need assistance, see the step-by-step instruction document here or call our school.

Is registration complete after prepopulating the form?

No, you must ‘Submit’ the form via SchoolEngage starting March 11, 8:30 a.m. to complete the registration form.

What happens if the program is full?

Your child will be added to a waitlist, if a spot opens up families will be called based on the time stamp of the child’s registration form and the needs of the program. Children can be registered in their neighbourhood boundary school for Kindergarten. Another option for Preschool would be French Immersion Preschool at École Montrose.

Changes in Registration Information

Please inform the school office of any registration information changes or updates to facilitate quick communication in the event of an emergency.

Following are some examples of information that should be kept current.

  • Home phone number
  • Parents' work numbers
  • Emergency contacts
  • Medical information, etc.